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Is Good really 'Good'?

Let’s face it, depending on what you have been looking up or following on social media, we can get bombarded with information on how to live better and look after ourselves.  But in the world that we live in it is nigh impossible to avoid toxins and chemicals.  

We want to protect ourselves and our loved ones but life does happen and if we become too obsessed about what we eat and do it can impact the quality of our lives - creating stress.  And stress affects the balance within our bodies.  

What we need to understand is that we are all unique and what may be good for one person isn’t for another.  So often we see posts on social media raving about a product and how it can ‘change your life’ - unfortunately, if it isn’t right for your body it will change your life but not in a positive way.  

This was true with a client of mine who had eczema suddenly on the top of her thighs and had no idea why it was there, she said she hadn’t done anything different.  On testing her, I found that she had elevated histamine levels, but she said that she wasn’t eating anything different from before.  I happened to just chat about how there have been so many posts about taking Apple Cider Vinegar but it’s not good if you are prone to high histamine levels.  Suddenly, she remembered that two weeks before the eczema she had started having apple cider vinegar every day.

A few days later, after having stopped the apple cider vinegar the eczema disappeared!

The marvellous thing about kinesiology is that your body can feedback to the therapist what is wrong and what your body wants.  I use a particular kinesiology programme called PRANA (Polarity Reflex Analysis Nutritional Assessment) - there are only a very few people in the country who are qualified in this technique.  It is an amazing way to pinpoint what is going on in a person’s body and where any toxicity/nutritional imbalances are - as well as indicating what is the priority to treat and how.  I mostly use specialist homeopathic remedies which are gentle and have profound effects.

If you are interested in getting your body in balance do get in touch.

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